
2014-2015 Grant Recipients

Collaborative and Complementary Research Grants

College of Education and Human Development

  • Drs. Anna Evmenova and Margaret Weiss – a collaborative grant with the University of Virginia to create CAPS (Content Acquisition Podcasts) in order to teach educators across Virginia utilization of CAPS as effective learning tools

College of Health and Human Services

  • Dr. Sina Gallo – a matching grant with Virginia Tech to develop an Interactive Human Body Digital Reusable Learning Object (RLO)

College of Humanities and Social Science

  • Dr. Kelly Schrum, Jennifer Rosenfeld, MA, Dr. Anthony Pellegrino, Celeste Tùròng Vy Sharpe, Nathan Sleeter, James McCartney – a follow-up grant to create and implement a new hybrid course: Teaching Hidden History

College of Science

  • Dr. Changwoo Ahn – a grant to create a floating wetland for sustainable storm water management
  • Drs. Cynthia Smith, Dr. Wendy Wagner, Dr. Paul Houser, Richard Friesner, Elizabeth Striano – collaborative grant with James Madison University to study wind energy and create a watershed action partnership
  • Dr. Paul Houser, Lisa LaCivita MS, Fernanda Craig, MS, Kathleen Copeland-Fish, Bernadette LeMasters MS – a follow-up grant to further develop the multidisciplinary George Mason Water Forum
  • Drs. Lance Liotta, Virginia Espina, Cara Frankenfeld and Amy Vanmeter-Adams MS – a follow-up grant to support the 2015 Mason Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP)
  • Dr. Lance Liotta – a matching grant with Virginia Tech to study stem cell-seeded tendon scaffolds in a dynamic bioreactor
  • Dr. Shobita Satyapal – a collaborative grant with James Madison University to research the origins of super massive black holes
  • Drs. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Claudette Davis, Reid Schwebach, Charles Madden, Larry Rockwood, Mary Ewell, Mary Nelson, John Schreifels – a follow-up grant to conduct a second STEM Boot Camp to engage incoming STEM majors
  • Drs. Reid Schwebach, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Karen Dalfrey, and Nektaria Tryfona – a collaborative grant with James Madison University to investigate phage ecology as a summer research experience for undergraduate and Governor’s School high school students
  • Drs. Monique van Hoek and Barney Bishop- a follow-up collaborative grant with James Madison University to study antimicrobial peptides in the bedbug, Cimex lectularius

Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study

  • Dr. Theodore Dumas – a collaborative grant with the University of Virginia to study functional properties of NMDA receptors in genetically-encoded chimeras
  • Dr. Nadine Kabbani – a grant to study mechanisms of susceptibility to nicotine addiction in adolescents

Volgenau School of Engineering

  • Drs. Celso Ferreira and Paul Houser – a collaborative grant with Virginia Tech, James Madison University and University of Virginia to create the Mason Water Data Information System (MWDIS)