


College of Science

Department of Environmental Science & Policy

Akerlof, Karen: Bridging Science and Policy in the States: A Study of Emerging Mechanisms to Train Scientists and Engineers (VT)

Jones, Chris: Using Taxonomic, Pigment and Molecular Analysis to Characterize Algal Blooms in the Shenandoah River (ODU)

Dept of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences

David M. Straus: The Role of Diabatic Heating in Determining Atlantic Storm Paths (UVA)

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Van Aken, Benoit: Protection of RNA by Association with Macromolecules: Implications for Wastewater Based Epidemiology (VT)

Yu, Yun: Nanoscale Visualization of Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction Activity at Cu Nanocatalysts (UVA)

Virginia Serious Game Institute

 Enfield, Jacob: Murder Mystery to Promote Learning of Structured Query Language (VMI)

College of Engineering and Computing

Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering

Furst, Kirin Emlet: The role of the air-water interface in breakthrough of PFAS and phthalate esters during wastewater treatment (VT)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Kang, Pilgyu: Machine learning assisted laser manufacturing of alloy nanoparticle graphene hybrid materials for high performance hydrogen sensing (UVA)

Department of Computer Science

Zhu, Ziwei: Towards Consolidated and Dynamic Debiasing for Online Search and Recommendation (VT)

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

English Department

LaFrance, Michelle: The Virginia Community and Public Writing Collaborative (JMU, VCU, VT, UVA)

Heidi Y. Lawrence: A Rhetorical Approach to Challenges in Blood Donation (VT)

College of Education and Human Development

School of Kinesiology

Raffegeau, Tiphanie: Using Virtual Reality to Study Cognitive and Affective Risk Factors for Falls in Older Adults (ODU)