Current Grant Recipients

Through collaborative research, faculty members across the consortium are creating rewarding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in exciting and innovative projects as well as with their colleagues from other 4-VA institutions. From mini grants to scale up projects, consortium faculty are sharing ideas, increasing cost efficiencies and bringing public attention and excitement to the research arena.  Here’s what’s happening through 4-VA@Mason this year — College, Department,  PI Name, Project Title, and (Partner Schools):

College of Science

Department of Environmental Science & Policy

Akerlof, Karen: Bridging Science and Policy in the States: A Study of Emerging Mechanisms to Train Scientists and Engineers (VT)

Jones, Chris: Using Taxonomic, Pigment and Molecular Analysis to Characterize Algal Blooms in the Shenandoah River (ODU)

Dept of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences

David M. Straus: The Role of Diabatic Heating in Determining Atlantic Storm Paths (UVA)

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Van Aken, Benoit: Protection of RNA by Association with Macromolecules: Implications for Wastewater Based Epidemiology (VT)

Yu, Yun: Nanoscale Visualization of Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction Activity at           Cu Nanocatalysts (UVA)

Virginia Serious Game Institute

 Enfield, Jacob: Murder Mystery to Promote Learning of Structured Query Language (VMI)

College of Engineering and Computing

Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering

Furst, Kirin Emlet: The role of the air-water interface in breakthrough of PFAS and phthalate esters during wastewater treatment (VT)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Kang, Pilgyu: Machine learning assisted laser manufacturing of alloy nanoparticle graphene hybrid materials for high performance hydrogen sensing (UVA)

Department of Computer Science

Zhu, Ziwei: Towards Consolidated and Dynamic Debiasing for Online Search and Recommendation (VT)

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

English Department

LaFrance, Michelle: The Virginia Community and Public Writing Collaborative (JMU, VCU, VT, UVA)

Heidi Y. Lawrence: A Rhetorical Approach to Challenges in Blood Donation (VT)

College of Education and Human Development

School of Kinesiology

Raffegeau, Tiphanie: Using Virtual Reality to Study Cognitive and Affective Risk Factors for Falls in Older Adults (ODU)