Informal Feedback

Informal Oral Communication Assessments:

  1. Have your students do a impromptu “sales pitch” for an idea 
  2.  Think-Pair-Share
    • The instructor asks a question, and students write down their responses. Students are then placed in pairs to discuss their responses. Instructors move around the classroom and listen to various discussions to gain insight into levels of understanding.
  3. One-Minute Thesis
  4. Discussion Posts 
  5. “Exit tickets”
    • Prompts for what they want to learn/are confused about it

If your campus has a communication center, encouraging students to utilize these resources can help them gain practice and receive feedback from trained coaches. The benefits of these centers are outlined in the following article:
Stewart, B. , Broeckelman-Post, M., Rossheim, C. (2021). Making a difference: A quantitative study of communication center and basic course impact on public speaking anxiety, goal orientation, and motivation. Communication Education,